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Bioshock Infinite

PC Review

Short Review

A rare, yet beautifully created, piece of digital art. It is a must buy!

Longer Review

What more can I say. It's Bioshock Infinite. If you've played the game by now, then you should already know just how awesome of a single player experience it truly is for any, and all, gamers. However, if you haven't played the game yet...then allow us me further elaborate on the title.

The game is set in 1912. Your characters name is Booker DeWitt. He is a private detective, and former Pinkerton Agent, who has been tasked with the goal of finding, and collecting, a mysterious girl from the floating city of Columbia. The catch of the whole gig? He must collect her, and give her away to an unknown invidual willing to help him "wipe away" his gambling debts.

Now that I've covered some background on the game, lets talk about some of the positives, as well as some of the negatives, of the game.


1. The story

2. The characters, and their gradual development all throughout the story

3. The soundtrack

4. The gorgeous, and down right beautiful, environment(s).


1. The approaches to each fight within the game feel lack luster. In our opinion.

Yes, you CAN ride the Skyline and use your rocket launcher to kill enemies. And yes, you CAN lay down traps with your different Vigor abilities, or "spells". And yes, you CAN use Elizabeth's powers to your advantage to fight off the hordes of enemies coming your way. But really, it doesn't change the fact that the heart-pounding action sequences that they've got going on within the game feel rushed. Overall, it feels like the action stays the same all throughout the game. They should have added a little bit more variety to the combat system. If they really wanted to aim at keeping things "spicy" within each of the combat scenarios.

Despite some of the flaws that I have mentioned about the game, we here at The Critical Gamers still very much love this title. It is beautiful, it is artistic, and it is definitely worth every single penny.

Final Verdict:


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